DAN AIR Information Center

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Find out when you have to arrive at the airport, how much luggage you are allowed to carry and what the boarding procedures are.

It is good to know the following information:

  • For all our flights, check-in formalities open 3 hours before departure time and close 45 minutes before departure time. Please note that check-in opening and closing times may vary depending on airport facilities. For specific details, please consult the website of the departure airport. for DAN AIR flights operated from foreign airports, the closing time of formalities may vary according to local regulations. Passengers who do not show up on time for the boarding formalities will lose their right to travel on that flight. The DAN AIR company reserves the right to use the remaining available seats after closing the check-in formalities
  • Your luggage must comply with the regulations in force and please consult the special section here
  • You must ensure that you are in possession of the necessary travel documents (travel ticket, identity document, etc.)
  • The name and surname on your ticket must be the same as those entered in the document on the basis of which you are traveling (identity card or passport).


Upon entry/exit to/from Romania, the following must be entered in the customs declaration:

  • an amount greater than €10,000 or its equivalent in another currency;
  • weapons, ammunition, explosive, radioactive or nuclear materials;
  • medicines, chemicals, toxic materials;
  • jewelry that exceeds personal needs;
  • alcoholic beverages in quantities greater than 1 liter;
  • cigarettes in quantities greater than two cartridges (200 cigarettes);
  • any art object from the state heritage.

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After you have paid for your reservation, a confirmation will be displayed on your screen and sent to you by email.

Whether you want to enjoy the view from a window seat, take advantage of the flexibility of an aisle seat, or simply show the whole family together, you can select the seats you want when you book your tickets. Seat selection is possible on the company's website, in the "Menu" -> "Reserve seats" section.

In case of a voluntary change, the previously paid place is not transferred for the new flight date. The amount previously paid for the seat reservation non-refundable.

To change your ticket, depending on the type of fare applied, you will pay a change fee. If you change your ticket to a higher class, you will also pay the difference between the original fare and the new fare, provided there are seats available.